Welcome to my blog! For my first post, I thought I would take the time to introduce myself.
Hello! My name is Jackie, I’m 31 years old and love spending time with my husband, 2 cats (Frankie and Georgia), and reading. I wouldn’t say I’ve been an avid reader all my life. When I was a kid, I absolutely hated reading as a child and I can remember trying to force myself to read the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone because my sister really loved it. I didn’t really enjoy reading until I got into 7th/8th grade when I decided to read Jane Austen books because I loved the Pride and Prejudice movie (really fell in love with Matthew Macfadyen).Then I got into the Twilight series and Mortal Instruments series and my love of books just took off during high school.
Once I went to college and grad school, I didn’t really read until the summer vacations and even then I was working or taking classes so I wasn’t reading as much. Fast forward to when I got a big girl corporate job and started reading literary fiction and thrillers and for the most part enjoyed reading in my spare time. I would say that I didn’t really become a big reader (meaning I read 20+ books a year) until 2021 when I found romantasy. One day I decided to pick up From Blood and Ash and absolutely fell in love with fantasy. From there, I found bookstagram and found more books that piqued my interest. I finally found genres that captivated me and had me engrossed in the story. Ever since then, I have loved reading and talking about my books to whoever would listen.
Which brings me to the reason why I am writing this post! I currently have a bookstagram but wanted to branch out and create a blog dedicated to my love of books. Somewhere I can write my thoughts, opinions, and recommendations for all book things. I plan to use this space to talk about my current reads, my favorite reads, recommendations for mood readers like myself, tips on how to get out of book slumps, and so much more.
Currently, I am reading Onyx Storm, The Shadow of the Gods, and Happy Place (audiobook). As I start to finish these books, I will begin post my reviews here!
Thank you for joining me on this journey and welcome again 🙂